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Sure-fire techniques of visualizing, dramatizing, and analyzing numbers promise to attract and retain students' attention and understanding. Topics include basic multiplication and division, algebra, word ...
This fascinating, newly revised edition offers an overview of game theory, plus lucid coverage of two-person zero-sum game with equilibrium points; general, two-person zero-sum game ...
Biggs' Discrete Mathematics has been a best-selling textbook since the first and revised editions were published in 1986 and 1990, respectively. This second edition has ...
Boost grades and the understanding of early algebra concepts that can make or break the long-term study of algebra through middle and high school and ...
Is there a secret visual language all around us? What's so special about the shape of the Great Pyramid? Why is there something so ...
The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the concepts of statistical analysis of data for students at the undergraduate and graduate ...
Adopting a broad view of statistical inference, this text concentrates on what various techniques do, with mathematical proofs kept to a minimum. The approach is ...
Strengthen your trigonometry skills and grades with this powerful and simple tool for reviewing and referencing the most important core concepts. Quickly find that answer ...
"This easy-to-use book contains activities that are simple to organise and implement, require minimum equipment, and are easily adapted across a range of years and ...
In a book sure to stir argument for years to come, Robert Wright challen+ges the conventional view that biological evolution and human history are ...