No cutlery required!
Imagine... you're not comfortable with cutlery, can't face a large meal, have reduced appetite, trouble with chewing or swallowing, are always on the move or have other things on your mind-an easy to eat, handheld snack that is high in energy, nutrition and taste will restore dignity and enjoyment to your dining experience. While everyone who loves a snack will enjoy It's all about the food not the fork, it is a gift of love especially prepared for older people and people with dementia, swallowing difficulties or other disability, as well as carers.
After the runaway success of Don't give me eggs that bounce(HammondCare Media 2014) the authors are continuing their mission to bring amazing food to older people and people with eating difficulties, through another beautifully designed cookbook which combines 107 recipes from Peter Morgan-Jones and several expert chapters on nutrition, mealtimes and eating from his fellow authors.
It includes a celebrity guest recipe from Australian food icon, Maggie Beer, who also writes the foreword, and another from one of America's best-loved food writers, Paula Wolfert, who now lives with dementia and recently shot a documentary with Peter Morgan-Jones.
And while the meals are specially designed for people who can no longer use cutlery or who have swallowing difficulties, the snacks and light meals will delight anyone who enjoys the casual fun and convenience of food on the go which is good for you as well!