White Noise, 2nd edition provides a unique overview for anyone working in telecommunications or for anyone outside the sector who wants to understand the complex intersections of technical, regulatory, consumer and competition issues that define the industry.
Format: Paperback
The Australian communications continues to move through a time of major change. Over the last few years, we have seen fundamental shifts in retail demand and consumption habits. We believe these trends will continue and intensify throughout 2015 and beyond, while at the same time the Federal Government beds down a series of changes to Australia's national broadband network project.
In these changing times, this work is intended to produce a single, concise and accessible snapshot of the key trends in the near to medium term. We include analysis of both the macro consumer and commercial pressures as well as an overview of key legal and regulatory developments.
* Analysis of NBN project and the impact that will have on the shape of the communications industry in Australia
* A concise and accessible snapshot of macro issues and key trends in Australian communications in the near to medium term
* Analysis of both the macro consumer and commercial pressures
* Overview of key legal and regulatory developments